"Sorry, I have to comment again (last time, I promise ;-)). With some peoples help I figured out what makes me go against this idea so much. It is the emphasis on 'traveling' and 'thanking' in the phrasing of it. If the focus would be on the research and on the spreading of the gained information I would think it's great."February 27 2012 on Trace your favorite shirt back to the factory in which it was made....
"I think what I find difficult about this idea is that it sounds as if the people that are being exploited just need appreciation for their work. So someone goes there and thanks them. "Thank you for working so much for so little". But never mind. If most people think this idea makes the world better maybe they are right. After all in a way they do represent the majority. Democracy. Maybe it's also enough if it makes their world better. I am ok with that."February 27 2012 on Trace your favorite shirt back to the factory in which it was made....
"Ok, just picture this for a moment: You, your partner and probably some of your children are working for about 50 cent each a day in a factory that is mass producing clothing for western department stores. Probably you sit 12 hours a day on a sewing machine making the same one seam all day long. One day you go to work and there is this weird blond, tall guy with a nice smile and a camera on his head standing in front of the factory and speaking in a language you don't understand. After talking to some of your hundred colleagues you finally figure out that he is trying to thank you for your work. This one blond guy did spend 1000 Euro to get here. An amount of money you and your family could easily live a few years off. Well, I would think this guy had a funny idea, feels bad about injustice in the world and had a good time traveling the world. In other words he does all of this just for himself and his conscience. @ Bart: How do I think "change happens"? I think it is important to know and to make other aware of this exploitation. But I think Maarten should live the change the society needs here in Holland. And maybe slowly by setting an example convince others. If that's not enough for now he could try to find other ways to make people/consumers aware of this injustice. Do research from Holland and share your knowledge, organize discussions and docu evenings about that subject, print posters/flyers and start a 'campagne' etc. I know this sounds much less exciting than traveling thousand of kilometers and thanking poor workers in low-wage-countries but I think eventually it has the bigger impact."February 26 2012 on Trace your favorite shirt back to the factory in which it was made....
"I am with Jorinde here. I think it's a great idea and probably lots of fun (but let's face it mostly for you, Maarten). There are already plenty of docus and articles about this subject and most people here probably know about it anyway. And if they don't I don't think they really want to know. And no doubt none of them would be convinced by Maartens little video. Maarten, in your words everybody needs to go once in their live to a poor country to be absolutely convinced that pants for 10 Euro can't be produced ethically correct? Going all the way to India, Bangladesh or in what ever low-wage-country your Hema socks were being produced wont help the big mass of poor workers there. Don't pollute by traveling and use the money for something that actually does help them in their situation (and I'm also including the sincere and noble idea of compensating the carbon offset by Adam and his girlfriend). My suggestion would be to try to live one year (or month to start with) without buying clothing (or anything) of which you don't really know where it's been produced. Like that you would not "show the exploitation and unfairness of the production chain" again (as Maarten put it) but you would show the alternative. Cause you can also find (Hema) socks made under fair conditions... This all sounds a little harsh. I don't mean to offend anybody. I'm merely not convinced that it makes this world a better place. "February 26 2012 on Trace your favorite shirt back to the factory in which it was made....
"mentally I was with all the way..."February 10 2012 on It's decided, let's start!!
"@Sara: Yes, maybe this idea could be combined with the "plant-a-tree-every-day" idea. @Martine: I thought March was a good month for spreading seeds but probably you have more experiences. And winter certainly does come late this year. I would suggest that in case this ideas wins this months lottery to postpone it to April or May. Instead in March Maarten could take on the second idea."February 10 2012 on Buy lots of seeds from local flowers and spread them on any possible...
"wish i could be there. i dig a tunnel..."January 29 2012 on The Hangout! (it's not a movie)
"one of the "crisis makers" together with thousands others and millions that didn't bother as long as they made profit (which is nowadays still the same by the way). But still what is "their plan"? and yes, 'Inside Job' is an interesting documentary... "January 26 2012 on Go to tell a Goldman Sachs directive that we know their plan.
"I agree politicians salaries are high and it seems unfair especially at times like this. Though as fetapapa puts it the problems lay elsewhere. Besides, the idea behind high salaries for politicians is to reduce their vulnerability towards corruption and bribery. I'm not saying that it always works but it probably has some effect. I think it would be much more important to find ways (laws) to minimize any influence of lobbyism on politicians. Like that politician would be people with independent brains again and (a little less) puppets of the industries."January 22 2012 on Make a law for European politicians to lower their salaries and fly...
"or go "containern" for one month. Meaning try to get all your food from the containers/garbage of supper markets, biostores, goccery stores etc. From all the good food that is been thrown away day by day whole cities could live..."January 19 2012 on Do not spoil food for at least 1 month. Buy only food you will eat...
"oh, it's a page, right?"January 17 2012 on Let's give some love!!
"this side is getting way to red... "January 17 2012 on Let's give some love!!
"which is?"January 17 2012 on Go to tell a Goldman Sachs directive that we know their plan.