Loves a comment: "I don't know if it is sustainable on the long run, but I recently..."August 21 2012
"Possibly the economic crisis in the Mediterranean countries will help. For example the following news item reports that the use of bicycles has increased a lot in Greece. Still, these countries need support and creative ideas from the Dutch: the country with the highest bicycle/capita rate. There is work to be done over there! We need to inspire our co-Europeans and make them choose the most sustainable transport that exists: the "fiets"!"August 17 2012 on Promote urban cycling in a city with high automobile dependency. Less...
"Inspiring talk indeed, thanks for posting. I agree that even deserts are full of possibilities. Have a look at the second item in this video: on greenhouses in the desert, using solar power and seawater."July 29 2012 on Oxygen makes the world a better place! So plant some bushes and...
Live 1 Month Without Spending Money. June 11 2012