Stop culture with nature since nature can do without. ;) Kekkai gensei July 22 2012
I see so many grumpy/tired/walked out faces.. so try to smile to anyone you have contact with. The girl behind the cash register, the grumpy guy controlling the bus, the asshole next door... whomever. Maybe it's addictive :) June 20 2012
Maarten, do this every month extra: pick the best three ideas of last month you like: the most fun, the most creative/unknown outcome or consequences and the most impactful and repost them to next month's proposals. June 20 2012
Live a life without privacy, stream a live radioshow 24 hrs a day. Put a picture on facebook every 5 minutes. This to simulate living in a totalitarian regime. You're currently off the grid, I challenge you to be on the grid, show the world how a lack of privacy affects a human being. June 20 2012
Remove yourself from the global gene pool. June 11 2012
Be self sufficiënt, as in not having to bother people for your food and shelter and thus cutting out the middle men. Like a natural human. Good luck, you'll need it in this case. June 11 2012
Tell people marijuana isn't even so bad for you and actually makes life more satisfying. June 11 2012
Live 1 Month Without Spending Money. June 11 2012
Spend one month to convince all nurseries/Childrens' daycares to use only fair trade food ( fruit, juice ). To make this world a little better for all of us, structurally. June 11 2012
For one month only walk or ride the bike or use other vehicles that don't harm the environment. June 11 2012
challenge yourself: try to live for one month without using electricity. What kind of creative solutions will you come up with? May 3 2012
Create a place somewhere in the city which makes it possible for people to have conversations with strangers without actually seeing each other. March 8 2012
Calculate your carbon footprint and try to reduce it with 20% in a month. Try to change something every day and the end of the month provide us with the 3 most effective actions. March 5 2012
Persuade your local supermarket to offer a "bag bowl". Where people can leave their plastic bags for others to re-use. March 3 2012
Make a list of 30 things you don't like about your city. Every day of the month, do something in order to change one of them or to inspire more people to do something about it. March 2 2012
Embrace situationism. Perform random acts of funkyness in public space, momentarily slapping people out of 'reality'. March 2 2012
Candlelight sleepover: For one month, sleep at a different home every night. Don’t use electricity, eat organic, meditate, play ganzenbord (old Dutch game), share your heart. Save energy. Create energy! February 28 2012
Leave little notes on every car at your usual parking garage 1 day. E.g: You're awesome. Best parking job ever. I dig that sticker. Preferably use recycled or scrap paper - smiles and environmental win! February 24 2012
What if it were true that if you donated five minutes of your time per day, you could positively affect the world? Form a Meditation Group and meditate For A Better World. Cause we've all got five minutes. February 21 2012
Don't buy anything for one month, only exchange. Get the value of things back! February 21 2012