compassionate listening: take a small camping table and two folding chairs and set them anywhere in town. Put on a sign on telling that you will listen to the other person compassionately (like the boddhisattva Avaloketishvara - without judging) to help make the other person feel better. I'll be very very happy to join. tineke May 20 2012
Smile at every person you make eye contact with in public. May 20 2012
challenge yourself: try to live for one month without using electricity. What kind of creative solutions will you come up with? May 20 2012
Calculate your carbon footprint and try to reduce it with 20% in a month. Try to change something every day and the end of the month provide us with the 3 most effective actions. March 11 2012
Loves a comment: "Hi, I am open for suggestions! I realize that carbon footprint is an..."March 11 2012
Create a forum in this website where whomever is interested/inspired by you, can share their own experiences related to the most popular idea of the month. So we don't become only 'Watchers' but also 'Do-ers'. February 6 2012
Smile to everybody you have eye contact with. January 27 2012
Live during one month without producing any garbage. And document it. January 2 2012
be helpfull to people on the street; give a helping hand if they need to when crossing the street, with the subwaygates..., elevators, showing the way around, stuff like that... January 2 2012
Don't lie for one week (meaning: say what you think) January 2 2012