Continue this project by building a platform which enables everybody to challenge themselves to make the world a better place. December 6 2012
Change the way we educate (Dutch) children: let it change from a factory system into a system that enables kids to be world citizens, with the belief that they can be the change they want to see in this world, by being creative and working together. November 30 2012
What about starting organizing a sewege-system in India? Starting BhodGaya? November 29 2012
Create a free newspaper that can be spread at train stations in the mornings where the information is put in a context of how we choose to see the world. Like f. e. having the latest happy planet index of our country on the front page instead of the AEX index. what is valuable to us and how do we choose to look at the world?! November 26 2012
Help transform a former Catholic convent in Rotterdam into a sustainable, peaceful and compassionate place where anybody is welcome to discover their happiness. November 26 2012
Create peace in the Middle East November 17 2012
Learn people how to change. To not only follow good ideas (for example on this site), but as well to inspire others. To ban indifference. November 12 2012
Stop starvation! November 11 2012
Reduce stress in the world. It has many sources: from big issues like hunger & disease to daily hassles like noise. A demanding job & time pressure or stress of unemployment. Life events like losing someone or moving. We all, rich or poor, wherever we are, suffer from some form of stress every single day. Reduce it & help cope! November 11 2012
Be a Plant-Eater for one month. No meat, no dairy products. Google/YouTube on 'PlantenEter' and you will get inspiration. You will do good for your own health as well as the health of the planet and mankind. Chance that you will continue after one month is rather big. Making it a good investment into a new and better lifestyle. October 29 2012
Meet Sir Ken Robinson and make possible that his book "The Element" be given free to some schools, universities and libraries in Madrid, Spain...where people need to use their creativity and innovation more than never. Teachers, please, read this book and spread its knowledge!!! October 27 2012
ooh i know! it is because of His grace that we are here today, dedicate just one hour of your day, and talk about God with your friends/colleagues and appreciate Him! October 18 2012
Go to Greece and find a way to invest in the economy of giving and sharing. October 15 2012