Meet Sir Ken Robinson and make possible that his book "The Element" be given free to some schools, universities and libraries in Madrid, Spain...where people need to use their creativity and innovation more than never. Teachers, please, read this book and spread its knowledge!!! October 29 2012
Be patient for an entire month. Don't argue, don't condemn, don't try to convince people, let others go first in the queue. October 21 2012
Why think small? Find out which of the Millennium Development Goals are lacking behind on schedule (my gosh, 2 years and 2 months left until 2015!). Then try to give one of those goals a big boost! Invent your own creative and fun solution to this particular global challenge, and 'test' this on a tiny scale, here or elsewhere. October 21 2012
Be a Plant-Eater for one month. No meat, no dairy products. Google/YouTube on 'PlantenEter' and you will get inspiration. You will do good for your own health as well as the health of the planet and mankind. Chance that you will continue after one month is rather big. Making it a good investment into a new and better lifestyle. October 20 2012
Start a choir for people who can't sing but love to sing songs anyway. It's social, it's fun, and it will make people happier. October 20 2012