"Cartagena: southeastern Spain, flat, good climate, but no cycle lanes. We may convert some road in cycle lane by night? Just found this: http://www.cnn.com/2011/12/01/world/americas/wikilane-mexico-city/index.html"September 8 2012 on Spanish city Cartagena needs more biking culture. Can you help and...
"Possibly the economic crisis in the Mediterranean countries will help. For example the following news item reports that the use of bicycles has increased a lot in Greece. Still, these countries need support and creative ideas from the Dutch: the country with the highest bicycle/capita rate. There is work to be done over there! We need to inspire our co-Europeans and make them choose the most sustainable transport that exists: the "fiets"! http://www.leaderpost.com/travel/Many+Greeks+ditch+cars+cheaper+ride/7080706/story.html"August 17 2012 on Promote urban cycling in a city with high automobile dependency. Less...
"Inspiring talk indeed, thanks for posting. I agree that even deserts are full of possibilities. Have a look at the second item in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gFiyirnsHJU on greenhouses in the desert, using solar power and seawater."July 29 2012 on Oxygen makes the world a better place! So plant some bushes and...
"I suppose the aim of this idea is to make yourself and us aware of energy use, and the potential to save energy, correct? My suggestion is that even more interesting then could be to set yourself the challenge to reduce your electricity bill by 50% (for example)! This obliges you to really have a good look at what consumes how much, and how to save. This could be very interesting for all of us and will bring a lot of information and solutions to the surface. Living for 1 month without any electricity is I think not realistic, for nobody, and though it may oblige us to look for original solutions like this bike, it is much more enlightening to see whether and how your able to REALLY save energy - a lot."May 22 2012 on challenge yourself: try to live for one month without using...
"Maarten is the executor of idea(l)s that the contributors of his site propose and are not able/willing to execute themselves, thereby serving as a source of inspiration for all of us. I think most of us we feel we should inquire more about the production chain of the products we buy. You would do this by investigating internet, finding data at existing organizations that deal with these issues etc., not by going to a factory somewhere: that´s work for journalists, celebrities and NGOs, not for individuals/customers. Anyway, it seems this idea will win. I´m absolutely sure Maarten will find an inspiring way to fill it in. Maarten: after the next month it would be great if your ´followers´ would have a better idea and guidelines about what they are buying when buy clothes. I suggest this is the goal of your mission. So do some good research and report it to us. Traveling abroad is only a secondary part of this research, let´s call it a case study, but definitely not the most important thing, you could even skip it ;) Those were my thoughts"February 29 2012 on Trace your favorite shirt back to the factory in which it was made....
"Terug naar afzender"February 18 2012 on So what am i going to do with this now?
"Indeed we may exclude garbage that allows recycling, so this part of the garbage that is recollected and recycled (as you say ´ground material for new products´). But this would make the challenge much easier, because I think in Rotterdam they also recollect plastics, isn´t it? I hope this idea that Maarten will put in practice maybe very soon will highlight the importance of - Buying just what you need, so you have to throw less - Buying more locally produced food, as normally this requires less packaging, etc - Of non-food stuff, making sure it allows also recycling, reparation, etc. As such, this challenge has both a strong social as well as environmental component. "January 30 2012 on Live during one month without producing any garbage. And document it.
"@ Bart: fully agree @ Urikane: I think it should be People --> Greed --> Banks --> Speculation --> Crisis Money is just a tool, not the cause. Like any tool, it can be used beneficially but also in a malicious way. Greed is one of the so-called "7 deadly sins". The world would definitely be better if our greediness is reduced. How? Education. So Maarten could do a job here in the idea Bart proposes."January 10 2012 on Don't spend money. Just exchange things, talent, services for...
"Agree "January 5 2012 on The first exciting steps into this new year.