"Book of Serenity, case 4: When the World-Honored One was walking with his assembly, he pointed to the ground with his hand and said, “This place is good for building a temple.” Indra took a stalk of grass and stuck it in the ground and said, “The temple has been built.” The World-Honored One smiled."March 6 2012 on For one month, once every (waking) 30 minutes, stop what you're...
Chain yourself outside the Syrian embassy. February 23 2012
Respect the noble silence, don't talk the whole month. February 23 2012
"I fully agree with Livia, but it might be even worse than you already thought: in the Netherlands Pink Ribbon has in totally donated 0 euros to sound scientific research. Then where does all the money go? 'Creating awareness', which means: more adverts to raise more money to..."February 22 2012 on Every employee spends a lot money for birthday treats, but you can...