"Not many deserts in holland, so not really a good idea - however for those with deserts near by, there are ways and means - if interested check out permaculture links or this one http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/michael_pawlyn_using_nature_s_genius_in_architecture.html "July 19 2012 on Oxygen makes the world a better place! So plant some bushes and...
"Would it be too annoying if I said - "the future starts right now" ? We are the world - It is my beliefs that make me see the world as I see it, and it is our collective beliefs and actions right now that will build tomorrow's world. (aka: karma)"July 3 2012 on If not already; go Vegan! Or encourage others to do so. For animal...
"If u follow the logic, eating less animal products is the way and, eventually will most probably be forced upon humanity - just as we are starting to pollute less, and treat other sexes and races more equally - with more and more people on the planet, we are forced to be smarter and more loving - or self destruct. "July 1 2012 on If not already; go Vegan! Or encourage others to do so. For animal...