Continue this project by building a platform which enables everybody to challenge themselves to make the world a better place. December 4 2012
Be a Plant-Eater for one month. No meat, no dairy products. Google/YouTube on 'PlantenEter' and you will get inspiration. You will do good for your own health as well as the health of the planet and mankind. Chance that you will continue after one month is rather big. Making it a good investment into a new and better lifestyle. October 21 2012
Why think small? Find out which of the Millennium Development Goals are lacking behind on schedule (my gosh, 2 years and 2 months left until 2015!). Then try to give one of those goals a big boost! Invent your own creative and fun solution to this particular global challenge, and 'test' this on a tiny scale, here or elsewhere. October 21 2012
Lots of people find it hard to be unemployed, and start to question their self-worth. Find a way to motivate them to reach out to share their talents with the world. July 31 2012
Go to the hospital, and make a patient laugh everyday :-) July 28 2012
For on the side; Put some bottles filled with water in the water tank of your toilet. It will save water with every flush.. June 21 2012
Remove yourself from the global gene pool. June 21 2012
Tell people marijuana isn't even so bad for you and actually makes life more satisfying. June 21 2012
Live 1 Month Without Spending Money. June 21 2012
Organize activities for children in disadvantaged districts who are not able to on a summerholiday; inspire other people to help you with f.e. sports, dance or theatre. June 21 2012
Record a song about making the world a better place as a singing flashmob; individuals, groups etc can join in at the same time, in different places as long as it is recorded compile and spread (maybe on 5/5?). April 13 2012
Visit philosophers, managers, politicians, neighbours, children, priests, boeddhists and other people and ask them how they think you can initiate big changes in society. And teach us what you learn. April 13 2012
Create a place somewhere in the city which makes it possible for people to have conversations with strangers without actually seeing each other. March 15 2012
Persuade your local supermarket to offer a "bag bowl". Where people can leave their plastic bags for others to re-use. March 4 2012
Make a list of 30 things you don't like about your city. Every day of the month, do something in order to change one of them or to inspire more people to do something about it. March 4 2012
Chain yourself outside the Syrian embassy. February 19 2012
Trace your favorite shirt back to the factory in which it was made. Travel there, thank someone on the assembly line, spend some time with him/her then tell us about his/her life (including working conditions). February 19 2012
Create a forum in this website where whomever is interested/inspired by you, can share their own experiences related to the most popular idea of the month. So we don't become only 'Watchers' but also 'Do-ers'. February 19 2012
Candlelight sleepover: For one month, sleep at a different home every night. Don’t use electricity, eat organic, meditate, play ganzenbord (old Dutch game), share your heart. Save energy. Create energy! February 19 2012
Make a rainwater collector on your roof and connect it to your toilet flusher February 19 2012