"As long as the ground is not solid frozen, something will come out of it eventually. The seeds will germinate when it gets warmer. But it's nice to see progress a bit sooner maybe, although there are ways to make your progress visible by making photo's or a map that marks all your visited spots... The actual result will show itself much later. This does have a point in itself: you do something but nature cannot be forced. It's also about trusting the laws of nature. One sows one reaps, in natures time. People always want instant result, but in a way we should learn that everything needs time and sometimes it's worth to wait. A bit like making the world a better place maybe? Planting trees: you can stick a willowbranche into the ground anytime. It's bound to start growing at one point. Really fantastic."February 10 2012 on Buy lots of seeds from local flowers and spread them on any possible...
"Organic waste is not a problem. These are nutrients to other organisms. Just put it back in the ground after composting. Might take some time though. Fermenting is great as well; google Bokashi. Gets rid of all your organic waste and turns it into green gold. Another idea; you might get yourself invited for dinners. Your cooks have to cook for themselves anyway and won't really have more waste by adding some more potatoes from the sack they used anyway. That wouldn't be cheating would it? Might depend on how sustainable your host is. Better check that out first. "February 3 2012 on So how am I going to do this?