Create a free newspaper that can be spread at train stations in the mornings where the information is put in a context of how we choose to see the world. Like f. e. having the latest happy planet index of our country on the front page instead of the AEX index. what is valuable to us and how do we choose to look at the world?! November 25 2012
No loneliness on Xmas. Arrange accommodation for people who have nobody. Convince as much people as you can to accomodate someone on Christmas. November 15 2012
Start a choir for people who can't sing but love to sing songs anyway. It's social, it's fun, and it will make people happier. October 20 2012
Be patient for an entire month. Don't argue, don't condemn, don't try to convince people, let others go first in the queue. October 14 2012
Empathise with someone that you don't like or approve October 14 2012
People sometimes forget that dancing is a very mindful activity and think that it may not be an approved mindfulness-meditation-practice. Organize a Wake Up day of mindfulness, with lot's of dancing and sharing about the joy of being in the moment with music :) July 31 2012
go vegetarian! it is good for your health, the environment and the animals :) July 31 2012
Lots of people find it hard to be unemployed, and start to question their self-worth. Find a way to motivate them to reach out to share their talents with the world. July 31 2012
Become a vegetarian :) March 30 2012
Visit philosophers, managers, politicians, neighbours, children, priests, boeddhists and other people and ask them how they think you can initiate big changes in society. And teach us what you learn. March 30 2012
Offer children in a disadvantaged district in Rotterdam, who don't know what to do with their time, workshops dance, sports or theatre and prepare them for a small performance. March 30 2012
For one month, once every (waking) 30 minutes, stop what you're doing, notice some goodness already present, rejoice in it and write it down on a pad. If you see fit, publish it. March 30 2012
Hi Maarten, do you think you could bring at least 30 people to be photographed by you with a nice message to the world? Total strangers would be more challenging:-) pls see examples February 13 2012
Don't use or eat any animal product. February 12 2012
Make a dance workout video or program and share it in a best way with everyone who needs exercise. February 12 2012
get yourself in a national tv-show promoting this website January 7 2012
Go to a total strangers house after dinner time and offer to do their dishes. January 6 2012