Christmas: happy family & a warm glow inside. But there are a lot of people who are suffering from emotional pain because of fights in their families. Maybe a nice idea for Maarten to help someone and intermediate between them & familie, let them reconnect, bring love and make sure they are together during Christmas. November 15 2012
Add a tool to this website, so other people can follow Maarten and copy his actions and show this on video! :) October 14 2012
Organise events for people who are 'in between jobs' during the crisis right now - or help them to find a job :)) July 31 2012
What if it were true that if you donated five minutes of your time per day, you could positively affect the world? Form a Meditation Group and meditate For A Better World. Cause we've all got five minutes. February 12 2012
Hire yourself (for free ofcourse) to wave people goodbye at stations or at the airport. January 6 2012
Write a nice note to or about your waiter or waitress on the back of your bill. January 6 2012
Put little funny and inspiring notes in library books for the next reader. January 6 2012
Go to an elderly home and adopt a grandpa January 6 2012