"Verena: ik ken veel oud Pabo-ers kan wel even informeren voor contactpersonen. Aan de andere kant, er is nu geen werk in onderwijs dus misschien beter contact zoeken met schoolbesturen om huidige docenten een workshop aan te bieden? "November 17 2012 on Change the way we educate (Dutch) children: let it change from a...
"Good luck with the plant eating/vegan experience! I am a vegetarian but I did had a lack of enough B12 though ( but maybe because I am less healthy then Maarten :) ) It's indeed so important that people choose and be aware of why they eat or don't eat meat. A lot of people just eat without thinking, they ignore the fact that they are eating a living creature (well it's dead when it's on their plate).... Well... I am curious about this action.. is Maarten allowed to eat vegan cheese and soya stuff? "November 1 2012 on Be a Plant-Eater for one month. No meat, no dairy products....
"Good idea! I actually just posted the idea of organizing events for unemployed people... but now I see the idea is allready here!!!! I am unemployed myself in a couple of moths and it's very hard to keep up the positive energy because there not a lot of jobs and a lot of turn downs. Keep up the good work!! X"July 31 2012 on Lots of people find it hard to be unemployed, and start to question...
"It's inspiring to bring a lot of intelligent and different people together with different qualities and knowledge, to learn from each other and inspire others. I think this is the best idea of the list, in combination with becoming a vegetarian! "Making the animals more happy and then try and make people more happy". Really really like this one, probably children have the best ideas to make this world a better place! "April 1 2012 on Visit philosophers, managers, politicians, neighbours, children,...
"Thank God ;) I also meditate and sometimes with a group, but I think it's a good idea not only for you, but also for other people to realize what the impact is of meditation. I really like your project, it's inspirational but it also would be good that other people follow the ideas and write their epxperiences of the actions on this website! "February 13 2012 on What if it were true that if you donated five minutes of your time...