Start a campaign to reduce the waste of good food: create awareness of all the delicious food that is thrown away at restaurants every day and promote the use of 'doggy bags' (taboo in NL, very normal everywhere else ;)!) August 26 2012
Promote urban cycling in a city with high automobile dependency. Less cars, noise and pollution. More safety and a healthier economy. August 25 2012
Build an rainwater collection system on your roof and connect it to your toilet - no more waste of drinking water July 22 2012
Start to grow your own vegetables! (You don't need a garden this can be done in plant pots and boxes) Encourage others to do the same and all share in the produce when its ready. Great for the environment, saving money and bringing people together :) June 19 2012
Organize activities for children in disadvantaged districts who are not able to on a summerholiday; inspire other people to help you with f.e. sports, dance or theatre. June 19 2012
challenge yourself: try to live for one month without using electricity. What kind of creative solutions will you come up with? May 17 2012
Visit old people's homes on sunday with as many people as you can ( or inspire them to do so like a pay it forward train) and offer to take them outside so they too can enjoy the onset of spring. April 16 2012
Record a song about making the world a better place as a singing flashmob; individuals, groups etc can join in at the same time, in different places as long as it is recorded compile and spread (maybe on 5/5?). April 16 2012
Make a list of 30 things you don't like about your city. Every day of the month, do something in order to change one of them or to inspire more people to do something about it. March 11 2012
Create a place somewhere in the city which makes it possible for people to have conversations with strangers without actually seeing each other. March 11 2012