Where's "Live Aid" gone?? If Rockstars would activate again for this cause, it would make the world a better place... Try to convince world famous bands to do so! (documentary is in German, sorry...) http://videos.arte.tv/de/videos/why-poverty-geld-fuer-die-welt--7075526.html An idea from Elena Morena
There are a lot of children who are ill in these times of the year. Some of them are even in a hospital. My challenge to you is to visit as many as possible children and give them a present or something like that. Or make them smile. They should be recieving gifts, for it is the time of Sinterklaas and Christmas. An idea from Karan Vir Bains
Create a free newspaper that can be spread at train stations in the mornings where the information is put in a context of how we choose to see the world. Like f. e. having the latest happy planet index of our country on the front page instead of the AEX index. what is valuable to us and how do we choose to look at the world?! An idea from Birgit
What about letter-writing to make the world a better place? December seems like a good time for all kinds of letters! You could write Christmas cards to thank loved ones, or leave letters for total strangers to cheer them up... or join human rights organisations writing letters... An idea from Margriet
Create peace in the Middle East An idea from Chantal D
Christmas: happy family & a warm glow inside. But there are a lot of people who are suffering from emotional pain because of fights in their families. Maybe a nice idea for Maarten to help someone and intermediate between them & familie, let them reconnect, bring love and make sure they are together during Christmas. An idea from Brigitte Timmermans
Reduce stress in the world. It has many sources: from big issues like hunger & disease to daily hassles like noise. A demanding job & time pressure or stress of unemployment. Life events like losing someone or moving. We all, rich or poor, wherever we are, suffer from some form of stress every single day. Reduce it & help cope! An idea from Yvonne
Stop starvation! An idea from Thierry
"let's stand up for love..." An idea from trudy viane