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This project is closing... but... it will continue as!
Firma Fluitekruid, posted on On October 14, 2012
The funny thing is: everybody gave ME things, this week. A bar of chocolate, put in my mailbox by a friend, hot chicken soup made by my neighbour, a compliment made by my colleague, my boyfriend cooking a delicious breakfast, my boss doing his best to extend my contract...
And another thing: I now discover I already gave things away every day, but didn't realize it. Nature lessons, knowledge, jokes, comliments, a listening ear, funny emails, nice links to music or films, cups of coffee, a helping hand with the dishes... I would almost feel like a saint, if I didn't realize that other people to these things as well. And besides that, there's still so much more to do!
Ik herken dat, dat ik ook elke dag geef aan anderen, maar ik ging ook anders kijken naar alle "kadootjes" die ik elke dag van anderen krijg. Dat uitwisselen geeft een hoop positieve energie! :)
Zeker!!! Het is een soort continue flow, en daar ben je je dan ineens meer van bewust. Echt gaaf.