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Progress, Stop showering with soap and shampoo for at least 2 months

  • Maarten

    And what do you get? Magic hair!!

    Now for almost two months already, I'm showering without shampoo and showergel...


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  • Maarten

    Let it snow!



    I wrote this post, and ten minutes later it was really snowing outside… :-)

    February 19 2012  | LoveUnlove

    I always notice getting some dandruff when I have a busy irregular schedule. Not sleeping and eating regularly and being somewhat stressed. So I guess not getting your skin properly oxygenated (if that's a word). Just a thought...

    February 19 2012  | LoveUnlove

    Yeah, I did indeed sleep quite irregular this past week, so that's probably a part of it. After I took a shower and washed my hair with water it got a lot better, thankfully.

    Ingetje Wielenga
    Ingetje Wielenga
    February 20 2012  | Maarten loves thisLoveUnlove

    hang in there, better times are coming (for your hair)

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