Why? What? How?
I always had the feeling i'm not doing enough with my life. Eventhough i'm an idealist, I never know where to start in making the world a better place because it seems there is so much to do. So if you have an idea, tell me about it. I will execute the most popular idea of each month for one year! I'm a puppet to your ideals!
Credits Thanks to all the members! and Bart, Thierry, Davide, Ingetje, Paul, Philipp, Yichun, Rick, Mark, my family and everybody else for helping out.
Last month some followers of this site recommended the book 'The Element'. I'm reading it right now, and it's exactly about this subject!
'The Element' is the space where passion and talent meet eachother. The book is about how we (re)discover that space. May of us lost it, for at traditional schools only one or two forms of intelligence dominate, and those are the only ways of learning we're thought. That's why lots of adults still think they don't have any talent at all. What a waste. Yes, we should play more, fail more, think out of the box more!