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Day 11!!


Davey Hoppema
Davey Hoppema
February 12 2012  | Davide and Maarten love thisLoveUnlove

I'm proud of you!

Sven Happel
Sven Happel
February 12 2012  | Maarten loves thisLoveUnlove

Goed bezig jongen! Wat betreft shampoo/zeep, bij Lush kun je stukken zeep kopen; organisch en in brokken. Dus moet je denk ik ook zonder verpakking/bon kunnen krijgen. Deze shampoo gebruikt Bernadette bijvoorbeeld . Succes!

February 12 2012  | Sven Happel loves thisLoveUnlove

Thanks Sven!! I even see that they have a solid deodorant!! That would be a great solution, because my dad told me today I do smell a little :-) Thanks, thanks, thanks!!

February 14 2012  | LoveUnlove

It's great that you're collecting your organic waste! To turn it into fertilizer for the garden you do need a bit "brown" matter, like newspapers and dead leaves, whereas all the veg scraps are "green" matter. Have a looksie:
Also, if you have baking soda and apple cider vinegar in your pantry already you can use that instead of shampoo.
Good luck!

February 16 2012  | LoveUnlove

Thanks for the tips Shazade, it's nice to learn more about composting...
Not using any shampoo is actually an experiment on it's own, since they say your hair will get used to it and start producing less grease after a while. So I'm curious when that moment will come :-) More about that here:

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