Progress, Be a Plant-Eater for one month. No meat, no dairy products. You will do good for your own health as well as the health of the planet and mankind.
Maarten, posted On November 14, 2012
A recipe for a delicious pumpkin soup
The other day I made a pumkin soup which was seriously delecious!!! (my new favorite word :-) The recipe is a mix between tips of my sister, her boyfriend and a bit of improvisation on my side. So be free to experiment with it yourself!
- olive oil
- garlic (around 3/4 cloves)
- spicy red pepper (I put half, but it depends on the pepper and your preferences, I like spicy :-)
- an onion
- 1 can of coconutmilk
- two spoons of curry paste
- a couple of potatoes
- a pumkin :-)
Cut the garlic, onion and red pepper, put olive oil in the pan and add everything while keeping it on a low fire. Peel and cut the potatoes and add them with a little water just before the carlic is starting to get brown. After a while (potatoes need more time to get soft then the pumkin) add the peeled and cut pumkin. Add a little bit more water, but not to much because you'll add the coconut milk later...
When the potatoes are soft. Blend it all!! While blending it add the coconut milk and curry paste. Now it will start to smell and taste great!! Add some salt if you think it needs it and water if it's to solid (or more coconut milk of course, I love coconut milk :-)
Put the soup in the bowls and add some chive or other herbs on top to make it look as delicious as it will smell and taste. You can now serve your soup.
ps. you can use the seeds of the pumkin to grow new ones. It's quite easy. We (me and my mom) did it this year and we got 4 pumkins from one plant! Made me happy.
Maarten, posted On November 5, 2012
Delicious vegan pancakes, imagine that!
I really like pancakes, it was the dish we used to eat when it was our birthday. And to be honest, I didn't have hight expectations of vegan pancakes. I mean, normal pancakes are soft and kind of eggie. How do you do that without milk and eggs?
Still, we were in the mood for pancakes. So we found a recipe with bananas and we just tried. They were amazing! Nothing less then any pancake with eggs and milk. Actually better since afterwards I didn't feel stuffed. Normally I always need to lay down for a siesta after dinner, but now I was fine. Weird...
Check this out!
If you wanna try it yourself, the recipe is here... (also good for non vegans, I promise!)
Maarten, posted On November 1, 2012
Eating plants it is!!
When I first read about the idea of this month - eating plants - it actually made me think off leaves, grass, trees etc. Not necesarily things which are a joy to eat. But I'm guessing (and hoping :-) it's more about eating vegatables, fruits, nuts etc and leaving out all animal products. Which - since I'm a cheese addict - will mean a change of diet!
Any tips what to do and why?
I haven't yet researched the subject thoroughly, which means I actually don't know all the advantages or disadvantages of being vegan. I guess that's what this month is for. So if you have any links, tips, advice, experience which you could share about the subject and give me a headstart, please do in the comments! This can be from either standpoint of course :-) Thanks!
Wanna cook?
Then... One of the ideas I had of things to do this month is to invite people to cook with me. And they don't necesarily need to be vegan, they simply need to have an interest in trying and experimenting with new recepies. Because it would be great to have a tasteful and delicious month of course! So who feels like cooking with me?
Kinda curious what I'll eat tomorrow...
About Vegan - Planteater:
About addiction for cheese:
Vids about food,more vids are being added continuously:
If you google on 'vegan recipes' you will find hundres of recipes.There are also many sites in dutch and other languages.
Become a member of the Planteneter:
And watch vids on Boeles channel:
I guess that's enough for now. :)
Good luck and I like your start by inviting people to cook with you, with which you spread te message.
I am a plant-eater. You might also call it 'vegan with a wink'. I do have woollen jerseys, I do have leather shoes and eat honey. And, when I eat processed food, I only roughly check for dairy/animal products in it.Hey Maarten,
So plants it is! Lucky you! Maybe my two ecourses can help you. The first one (7-daagse Basiscursus Planteneten) is free, the second one ('Word een planteneter in 28 dagen) is not. But for you it is. Please contact me (via and I wil send it to you!
You will not regret this month! :-)
Toen ik vegan werd (1 jaar geleden) heb ik een boekje voor mijn familie/vrienden etc. gemaakt, misschien heb je er wat aan! Maarten,
I'm very excited you are embarking on a vegan adventure this month.
Since I have also started doing this for a couple of months, because of health reasons, but also for the environment and animal rights, I'm very enthousiastic about it. I was a pescetarian (a vegetarian who eats fish, but no other animals) since 2006. Since a year I didn't eat any dairy, and since a couple of months I am totally fish, eggs, dairy, meat, etc - free! And so are the animals =).
I collected all kinds of sources you can read, watch, etc: am very much in touch with my inner cheese, so not joining you all the way :-) But my dinner tonight was all plant stuff: had some leftover leek, a small piece of zucchini, some boiled potatoes and a fresh chinese cabbage. Stir fried the lot with garlic, soy sauce, turmeric and a piece of yellow chili. Easy, quick and edible.
Awesome! Check out Dr. Joel Fuhrmans books about a plant based nutritarian diets here are the links or I've been following it and it works great. Might help keep your eczema too!
Hi Yvonne, your inner cheese is a good thing to keep alive and so is the addiction.:)
It's not that heavy, to get out of it at all. For me it was just 3 weeks (I think) looking at cheese with the thought that I would like a piece and than it was over. Running a pancakehouse here in Karise (DK) I used to pick the small left overs of the cheese, after cutting, and put them in my mouth.
About 4 weeks, after I was free for cheese, I tried that again, just for fun, I can tell you, it was such a horrible greasy taste in my mouth, I really can not understand that I have been eating that stuff. So artificial... and the cheese it selv, is known as a good special Danish Havarti.
Why not give it a try for one month and show solidarity with Maarten. You can always start eating it again, can't you?
Besides, as I understood it, you have to buy very good and expensive cheeses, if you want to be sure, that it is not just flavoured Saturated fats and trans fats. There is a reason why obese people no longer are 'allowed' to eat cheese.I second Tim's recommendation of reading Fuhrman, especially Eat to Live. This book changed my entire way of eating and helped me adapt towards a plant-based "diet".
I like cooking together!
The only day I will actually be able to make it to Rotterdam from Arnhem is the 21st though, since you're not home coming sunday and the 25th may be overdoing it in one weekend ;)
So let me know if circumstances will allow for that to happen :)
In the meantime I will continue my "Vegan-but-allowing-for-cheese- and-compassion-for-myself-occasionally"-diet in sympathy..It was about time, but I wrote a discussion on Eat to Live, the book that turned me into a plant-freak on my blog:
Wow, tnx for all the input people!! Until now being vegan is a very nice experience. Also because at the moment I'm visiting some good friends who are funny enough also busy with it at the moment. So we're cooking and eating vegan together. So that's great! More soon...
The magazine of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Veganisme can be read online for free this time: <- I recommend reading the experiences of other people who tried vegan for a month.
Super initiatief! Ik word er helemaal blij van :-) Op de website van EVA, de Belgische organisatie achter Donderdag Veggiedag, vind je honderden plantaardige recepten. Moest je nog willen verdergaan met veganistisch eten. Zie Smakelijk!
never thought of coconut milk in soup, nice idea. I suggest trying some Sweet potatoes.
Yeah! Good idea!! I like sweet potatoes!!