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"Dear Bart, thanks for your honest opinion. I appreciate it, although I disagree. The only reason my name is on the KeepItCleanDay website is because I write the content. It has nothing to do with who I am. I'm just a puppet in this world, just like everybody else, trying to make it a little bit more beautiful then when I arrived here. ;) It's not mine to judge other ideas, either to compare them. I trust Maarten in this. I know Maarten a little bit, and I'm sure he can make it his own project. And he will! Just like you can make it your own! Or anyone else could make it his or hers. We all can make this world a bit more beautiful, and now there's for once a possibility to do it together! Let's enjoy, instead of judging. "August 29 2012 on On the 21th of September the Netherlands celebrate 'KeepItCleanDay!'....
Loves a comment: "well if everyone gets it, let's all get together and waste no time :-)"August 27 2012
Loves a comment: "And also don't forget the keep it clean day ;) ..."August 26 2012