September, order by popularity / date added
On the 21th of September the Netherlands celebrate 'KeepItCleanDay!'. All illegal litter will be removed from the streets, the parks, rivers, forest and public traffic system. It's a grass root initiative and we work without money! So... Why don't you empower the whole Rotterdam to join the KeepItCleanDay! An idea from Annette
Let's all make plans that trancend one-to-one and one-to-few approach of many ideas. To make the world really a better place, we need to scale up. We need ideas that people can adopt and start doing themselves. We need a snowball effect. We need ideas to save energy, share food, remodel economy, bring peace. We need revolution! An idea from Bart
organise a Free Pussy Riot event in HOLLAND An idea from em
Use Linux and most importantly - spread the word about it! This way you support Free and Open Source projects. FOS is undoubtly good because it results in better software and less computer malware. This certainly makes the world a better place because everything we do nowadays somehow depends on computers. Don't you agree? An idea from yoreei
Write a simple letter in your own words, to all world leaders, stating that you would like to see that person respect ALL human rights, and that you want to hear a simple yes or no from them. (imagine the effect if lots of people send this kind of letter?...) If you ever receive an answer, publish that answer on this website... An idea from Bram
Stop doing stupid things. An idea from The Neut
You and i are the problem, not the world An idea from Herman Ivo
- Ik weet niet of dit te groot is maar ik denk dat er binnen deze film een aantal heel bruikbare ideeën vindbaar zijn. Met name het laatste deel van deze film komt met heel veel ideeën die erg bruikbaar lijken tot een betere wereld. An idea from Pim Jongste