November, order by popularity / date added
Be a Plant-Eater for one month. No meat, no dairy products. Google/YouTube on 'PlantenEter' and you will get inspiration. You will do good for your own health as well as the health of the planet and mankind. Chance that you will continue after one month is rather big. Making it a good investment into a new and better lifestyle. An idea from Hans van Dam
Meet Sir Ken Robinson and make possible that his book "The Element" be given free to some schools, universities and libraries in Madrid, Spain...where people need to use their creativity and innovation more than never. Teachers, please, read this book and spread its knowledge!!! An idea from Crischinagirl
Why think small? Find out which of the Millennium Development Goals are lacking behind on schedule (my gosh, 2 years and 2 months left until 2015!). Then try to give one of those goals a big boost! Invent your own creative and fun solution to this particular global challenge, and 'test' this on a tiny scale, here or elsewhere. An idea from Marije
Handicapped children are not always able to play together with others at playgrounds, because most of the things there are not fit for children who cannot use one arm, or both of their legs. Can you help the 'speeltuinbende' to let the new generation grow up side by side, with and without handicap? An idea from Trudy
November seems to be a bit of a dark month for many people. Show them there is an opportunity to celebrate every season: offer a"house-warming-tour", inspirational and festive get-together's everywhere at people's own homes, with their own(, or other peoples!) friends, organized with your help :) An idea from Verena
Start practicing mindfulness. The book, Mindfulness: a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic World is a really great place to start. It's easy to read, based on science and has a programme with a cd. The more we are in touch with what's going on for us the more we can make take care of ourselves, others and the planet. An idea from mark leonard
Make sure that this idea doesn't die in vain! An idea from Jerre
Live one month on water and bread... An idea from Rob
First of all i Love this site!!! Kudos!!! Second I need help starting a non-profit which actually has the same type of style as this site please contact me for info and to become part of the board. Heres an idea volunteer a least one day a month and learn something about/from the people you help! An idea from Tiffany
Donate money to a school band/orchestra. An idea from Tasfa S. Mersha