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Visit old people's homes on sunday with as many people as you can ( or inspire them to do so like a pay it forward train) and offer to take them outside so they too can enjoy the onset of spring. An idea from Kim wever
Visit philosophers, managers, politicians, neighbours, children, priests, boeddhists and other people and ask them how they think you can initiate big changes in society. And teach us what you learn. An idea from Bart
clean up littering in a park close to your house and welcome other people to join An idea from Davide
Record a song about making the world a better place as a singing flashmob; individuals, groups etc can join in at the same time, in different places as long as it is recorded compile and spread (maybe on 5/5?). An idea from Kim wever
Share your shower with a homeless person, share your food, some clothes, drinks and attention. Every day a little bit. An idea from Joep
spend time with young people in an asylum seeker centre, and organise a creative event for them, so they can have a nice time (maybe together with De Vrolijkheid) An idea from Margriet
Go in the trains to give conversation to people, give them a smile, a flower, a paper saying "smiling is free", make connections between people with some theater. People will talk about it. So something changed An idea from bea
Make a list of movies that are inspiring and/ or give a positive feeling to young people and hang them on the bulletin board of schools around the city, post it on FB, etc. An idea from Verena
Choose one action, for example "tracing back your clothes" and make a kind of workshop for children of it. Go to different Highschools in the city and open childrens eyes...about the truth. An idea from Carolina Federbusch
make a deal with few of your neighbors and collect their compost 2-3 times a week An idea from Davide
Join AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL and follow their campaigns by writing every day of the month two letters to governments in the world as a peaceful fight for justice. An idea from Philipp
Ask a sincere question to the people you don't speak with normally, the caissiere at the supermarket, person waiting beside you for the bus. Be interested, question can be simple. Wait to listen to the answer. An idea from Angela Vermeer
In Africa there a made shoes that are expensive to buy in the western world. The employees just make enough money not to die. Find out if there is a way to set up a different way of doing business. An idea from John J
Collect mobile phones that are not in use, and give them back for recycling. Keep one of them and smash it... What minerals are being used to produce it? Where do they come from? An idea from Miquel Ballester
Meditate. :) An idea from Kenneth Bok
Everyday, you could give a sincere compliment to a person. You could reflect on this by asking them on the right moment what they thought or how they felt. An idea from Nusret
Stop mowing your lawn, or persuade someone to stop mowing theirs, then plant with fruit trees/bushes (lawns are poor ecosystems, lawnmowing creates continous pollution and energy use) An idea from douglas macrae smith
Dear friend, I see that you are a young adult, like me, so you might be interested by the Wake up! movment for a healthy and compassionate society!, the Book also. Cheers bro! An idea from Levy