This project is closing... but... it will continue as!

Where's "Live Aid" gone?? If Rockstars would activate again for this cause, it would make the world a better place... Try to convince world famous bands to do so! (documentary is in German, sorry...)

4 people said 'Do this!'

Comments / Votes

Elena Morena
Elena Morena
November 29 2012  | LoveUnlove

I know, unrealistic... but with necessity!!!

December 2 2012  | LoveUnlove

The idea of a live aid concert is something that is already considered archaic. The argument against aid and the kind of patriarchal approach to helping out people who are in need has been made over and over again. 50 years and over a trillion dollars spend in aid... and yet the people who are targetted seem to be getting worse off. Do not promote this idea any further please. I know your intentions may be good but that is not enough.

Elena Morena
Elena Morena
December 3 2012  | LoveUnlove

Of course after so many years needs changed and we also have knowledge to make things different. I still believe that celebrities can have big impact and influence. Feel free not to agree with the idea, but accept everyone's freedom to do so.

December 4 2012  | LoveUnlove

I wholeheartedly agree with everybody's freedom to come up with and execute their own idea. I would ask you for a moment that rather than take the perspective that I am trying to cut down your idea or that it is you against me, look at my comments as food for thought, two heads being better than one.

Celebrities can make a big impact because people will listen to them no matter what they say. The question is what are they saying? And what should they be saying? Because even while you are helping somebody, you have every responsibility to preserve and respect the dignity of that person. Please take a minute to look at this website. It captures very well what I am trying to say and why I am anti live aid.

Elena Morena
Elena Morena
December 11 2012  | LoveUnlove

I did not take your comment against me, and I understand what you mean by preserving dignity. It's true that support has to happen in the right form, and of course there's a lot celebrities that are really bad examples.
But just a small example...
Sorry but couldn't hold back tears...

anonymous user

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