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Visit philosophers, managers, politicians, neighbours, children, priests, boeddhists and other people and ask them how they think you can initiate big changes in society. And teach us what you learn. An idea from Bart
Comments / Votes
I think that this is a really interesting idea. Maarten could find so many ways of executing it. Film, book, performance a big dinner where all the philosophers, managers, children and buddhists come together. I am sure Maarten will come up with his own and most original way of sharing it with us what new and innovative thoughts he has gathered!! Looking forward
I thought of this because of the discussions in the 'trace back your favourite shirt' idea of last month. I started beginning to think about how change is being initiated and i realized that established organisations, companies, governments have a lot of power but are too ehr, established to change things. I expect very interesting ideas coming from all kinds of people that have no interests other than personal ones.
It's a nice idea. I just have the feeling it might be more of a project for an entire year...
I don't know, I think if you just ask a lot of people, if you have this question in the back of your mind when you meet others, then every answer will have it's own merit. And Maarten can share these answers with us. My son said, when I asked him what he would do to make the world a better place, that he would start with making the animals more happy and then try and make people more happy. I thought this was very interesting...
Here some inspiration on kids who want to make the world a better place. Nice!
It's inspiring to bring a lot of intelligent and different people together with different qualities and knowledge, to learn from each other and inspire others. I think this is the best idea of the list, in combination with becoming a vegetarian! "Making the animals more happy and then try and make people more happy". Really really like this one, probably children have the best ideas to make this world a better place!
@brigitte your enthousiasm is just a bit too late, voting has just closed. Maybe i should repost it :)
I voted on time I think :)
Brigitte Timmermans
Ingetje Wielenga
6 Anonymous votes