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Visit a community centre for the elderly and spend some time with them. Reading, dancing, singing - whichever you prefer!

57 people said 'Do this!'

Comments / Votes

January 3 2012  | LoveUnlove

i thought of something similar...äpplet faller inte långt från trädet!

January 3 2012  | LoveUnlove

What was your idea? Och det är väl trevligt! :)

January 3 2012  | LoveUnlove

Sounds like a good thing to do but I think ideas that focus on the longterm future (that involve people / effects with a longer lifespan) will make people in your direct environment to do just this. Expressing love will make people visit their parents or grandparents because it triggers their loving feelings towards their family. So do visit your own parents/grandparents but just leave it at inspiring others to do the same.

January 4 2012  | LoveUnlove

@sara & @lovisa, you guys are using a secret language!!! Thank god for google translate :-) Nice ideas btw!!

@Arnout, I do visit my parents quite a lot (don't have grandparents anymore) and the older I get the more loving I become :-)

Btw. I don't think it needs to be one or the other. I can visit my own parents and I could spend some time with elderly people in a home, who maybe don't have kids to visit them.

January 4 2012  | LoveUnlove

@lovisa, starting a compost was one and getting a kolonilott? and starting to grow your own veggies was the other, you better vote on them! :) and our secret language has been detected!
@maarten, thank you for adding more to my internet addiction! :)

January 4 2012  | LoveUnlove

@Maarten: My thought exactly! When I worked in a home for the elderly there was unfortunately quite a few that never had any visitors... So it was always much appreciated when there was a sing-along, music gathering or when someone brought animals or children (perhaps I should have included that in my idea!).

What a brilliant project this is! I'm really looking forward to see the results!

@sara: Aha! So moestuin = kolonilott? You got my vote! :)
Perhaps we should try rövarspråket instead?! I wonder if Google translate can figure that out!

January 5 2012  | LoveUnlove

@sara, you're welcome :-)
@lovisa Thanks! Happy you like it!!

ps. predatory language? hmm...

January 5 2012  | LoveUnlove

Guvf vf na rknzcyr bs cerqngbel ynathntr, v cerfhzr?

January 5 2012  | LoveUnlove

@Maarten good idea, visit other people in the neighbourhood of your parents, nice!

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