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Start practicing mindfulness. The book, Mindfulness: a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic World is a really great place to start. It's easy to read, based on science and has a programme with a cd. The more we are in touch with what's going on for us the more we can make take care of ourselves, others and the planet.

7 people said 'Do this!'

Comments / Votes

October 25 2012  | LoveUnlove

Completely agree with being close and understanding yourself makes it possible to take care of others and our surroundings. That's where it starts... Thanks for the idea!

mark leonard
mark leonard
October 28 2012  | LoveUnlove

Thanks for you comment Maarten. There are many benefits of practicing mindfulness. Befriending your own mind - it's not what you think! - helps us to value the important things in life. We then spend less time running around in circles consuming things that don't really make us happy. With mindfulness we can build fruitful relationships, strong communities; acting individually and communally with greater insight to make a better world.

mark leonard
mark leonard
October 29 2012  | LoveUnlove

Nice animation and great to encourage people to do short meditations wherever they are but its not so helpful to expect a good result! Sometimes we become aware that we're having a difficult time and that doesn't feel so good. But we have become more aware of what's going on for us and can be less reactive because of this.

mark leonard
mark leonard
October 29 2012  | Maarten loves thisLoveUnlove

You may like to watch this talk I gave this summer at Buddhafield festival about how we can make a better World with mindfulness:

mark leonard
mark leonard
October 31 2012  | LoveUnlove

And hot off the press!

Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, last week called for more people to try this centuries-old practice as an antidote to our “insane” consumerist society and the “chaotic” emotions it causes.

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