Why? What? How?
I always had the feeling i'm not doing enough with my life. Eventhough i'm an idealist, I never know where to start in making the world a better place because it seems there is so much to do. So if you have an idea, tell me about it. I will execute the most popular idea of each month for one year! I'm a puppet to your ideals!
Credits Thanks to all the members! and Bart, Thierry, Davide, Ingetje, Paul, Philipp, Yichun, Rick, Mark, my family and everybody else for helping out.
Comments / Votes
Supermarkets sell plastic shopping bags. Of course a stupid item. Can we get rid of them? I hope so. But at least we can reduce the amount getting sold/adding to our waste.
So the idea is to get your local supermarket(s) to start using a bowl ('tassenbol', 'bag bowl') at the entrance in which you can donate your unused previously bought bags. So if you come in the shop you can just grab a used one. So people don't have to, out of lazyness, buy more waste!
There is an initiative: http://www.tassenbol.nl.
In Rotterdam there is only 1! I only know one supermarket that has one. I will also talk to my supermarket manager.
I once saw this in a supermarket in Amsterdam and thought it was so smart!
Love the idea!! I hope that in 1 month Maarten could try to persuade >1 supermarket.
love the idea... especially when upscaled, maybe Maarten can influence Albert Heijn (or others) on a corporate level to bring a bag bowl to each of their shops. Maybe he can cooperate with a product designer to create the bag bowl out of some recycled stuff.
Ingetje Wielenga
7 Anonymous votes