This project is closing... but... it will continue as!

Make a rainwater collector on your roof and connect it to your toilet flusher

33 people said 'Do this!'

Comments / Votes

February 1 2012  | Elena Morena loves thisLoveUnlove

sorry, just trying again :)

Katerina Kozadinou
Katerina Kozadinou
February 5 2012  | Bart loves thisLoveUnlove

.....and then share the design with the rest of us... :)

February 10 2012  | Bart loves thisLoveUnlove

It's good to post ideas again. Besides I think Maarten might do this idea anyway some day...

February 10 2012  | LoveUnlove

If he'll be doing it, i'll be happy to help him designing it. The least i can do is show him the construction that a friend of mine has in his house.

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