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Every employee spends a lot money for birthday treats, but you can spend this money a lot better. Search for companies who want to give you this money. What you earn goes to the pink ribbon foundation. An idea from Rosanne
Comments / Votes
Pink ribbon is one nasty organization!
Please watch this movie:
Ok, I guess that's a point of view I hadn't heard about before. Found this on our beloved wikipedia about pinkwashing:
I fully agree with Livia, but it might be even worse than you already thought: in the Netherlands Pink Ribbon has in totally donated 0 euros to sound scientific research. Then where does all the money go? 'Creating awareness', which means: more adverts to raise more money to...
@guido this is quite embarrasing. Good to know though: no help for pink ribbon anymore. Ofcourse Rosanne's idea is still valid, but the earnings should go to another charity.
Yes, it could go to a foundation/organisation which directly funds cancer research. In the netherlands i think that would be the KWF, no? Does anybody know of an organisation focussed on breast cancer?
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