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Eat only local, dutch food. Get to know and make friends with the producers, animals and the land who/which created the food and help them with the production or whatever is needed. An idea from sara
Comments / Votes
Nice idea! Through Ingetje I recently heard of De Buurtboer: I haven't tried it myself yet but it seems like a nice initiative...
but you could still skip the company and go straight to the farmers. and it won't be only about buying the service, but also about the social, human connection.
I guess that might go good together with Nr 1 (don't produce garbage for a month)...
Yes! Was thinking about this the past days as well. Am also curious to know if there are organic farmers close to Rotterdam which grow vegetables. Somehow I have the impression the farmers around here mostly produce dairy and not so much veggies...
cause indeed, veggies is more difficult to grow in the dutch weather. but i am sure there will be those who grow some. perhaps you would need to change your diet a bit. eat more according to the dutch season.
@Sara ...or dairy. ;-)
February is probably also a difficult start for switching to local food. All potatoes, pumpkin and beets from the basement... Somewhere between R'dam and A'dam there is this huge area with greenhouses. I'm sure there must be a few that go organic.
many of the recipes we now make because we like the taste, are once conceived to save harvests for the times of the year that nothing grows... making appelmoes (in english?), jam, dried fruit, etc.
sugar, salt and fat are natural preservatives.
Katerina Kozadinou
Jorge Lopez
Ingetje Wielenga
16 Anonymous votes
3 Anonymous votes