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Don't lie for one week (meaning: say what you think)

49 people said 'Do this!'

Comments / Votes

January 2 2012  | LoveUnlove

from the amount of 'don't do this'-voters it seems like a controversial idea to many people...

Ingetje Wielenga
Ingetje Wielenga
January 2 2012  | LoveUnlove

yeah... would the truth in all cases make the world a better place?

January 2 2012  | LoveUnlove

Ingetje, I don't know. Though not lying also includes telling many positive things. Things you maybe usually wouldn't share...

January 2 2012  | Julian Torres loves thisLoveUnlove

There's quite a difference between not lying and saying what you think. Saying what you think can do more harm than good, depending on your character and/or state of mind.

Maybe rephrase this idea into: express the positive things, compliments, whatever that bubble up in your mind and that you usually wouldn't share?

Ingetje Wielenga
Ingetje Wielenga
January 2 2012  | LoveUnlove

I agree... positive thoughts.... keep on expressing, but a lot of times we have so many negative thoughts and this we can better let go of then express them in order to make the world a happier place.

January 2 2012  | LoveUnlove

I imagine doing something like that might bring some clarity into life and therefore on the long run improve it's quality.

By saying the truth I don't mean just letting anything that crosses your mind leave the mouth. He can still consider before talking and ask himself if this is really what he thinks or if it's just a temporal state caused by something totally different...

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