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Create a place somewhere in the city which makes it possible for people to have conversations with strangers without actually seeing each other. An idea from Thierry
Comments / Votes
Sounds great Thierry! I guess the idea behind it is to get in contact with people you normally wouldn't no? Mixing backgrounds, education, age, culture etc...
I'm a bit confused though: do you mean I would have a conversation with someone, without being able to see him/ her? Or do you mean meeting people without having made an appointment to do so?
its about meeting people, you'd normally never talk too?
Hi everybody! Yes, it's about meeting people you'd normally never talk to but of course it has a higher goal which is being confronted with your own judgements and prejudices in daily life.
It could well be that te persons choose to see each other after the conversation. Or not. Or exchange numbers without seeing each other etc etc. It has nothing to do with dating, but I think a lot of people would be interested in meeting new people in this way without the 'examinational' part of the looks. Apart from this I think, because the visual communication is missing which makes it more 'surreal', people wouldn't be scared to really open up to each other, a bit like they would do with a priest during a confession. Against a society based on looks!
I like the idea. I am curious what you think about non-verbal communication though, since this is normally an important factor in conveying the true meaning of what you are saying (what is my posture, do I make a gesture, am I smiling or do I look serious?). You would automatically whipe that out and I am still in doubt whether I would like speaking to someone in that way... Like talking on the phone with someone you've never met.
i once thought of an idea of putting random phones in a city, that will randomly connect to eachother. I have no real reason that i never tried to execute it...
Tili 2
Adam Beeson
Ingetje Wielenga
Claire Wielenga
Adi Amit
Paul S
9 Anonymous votes