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Calculate your carbon footprint and try to reduce it with 20% in a month. Try to change something every day and the end of the month provide us with the 3 most effective actions.

14 people said 'Do this!'

Comments / Votes

March 4 2012  | Verena loves thisLoveUnlove

nice and very concrete...

March 5 2012  | LoveUnlove

that's quite a challenge... i think many of the longterm reduction ideas take quite some time, but i try to think of ways to do this. Like switching to other sources of energy (i presume Maarten is already on sustainable electricity). I think most of the carbon footprint is indirectly (by what you buy especially). Deciding on what vegetables to choose is already a month of work, i guess. Nonetheless, it's a good topic, but maybe the way to execute it can be further refined.

March 5 2012  | Rein Putkamer loves thisLoveUnlove

Hi, I am open for suggestions! I realize that carbon footprint is an annual calculation, but we can think of ways to convert it. I was at first thinking about suggesting to only eat local food, but then realized the idea came from wanting to reduce the carbon footprint. There must be so many more ways to reduce your carbon footprint, I am hoping that if Maarten focuses on it for a month he can come up with some good tips for all of us.

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