This project is closing... but... it will continue as!

Buy lots of seeds from local flowers and spread them on any possible patch of earth you can find in your city. (Again? Sorry, but it's the last chance for this year!)

39 people said 'Do this!'

Comments / Votes

March 7 2012  | Verena loves thisLoveUnlove

I know. It feels very lame to post the same idea again. It's just if don't do it now I can't try again late this year cause than the period to spread seeds is simply over. And I do like the idea to much to just throw it away...

March 7 2012  | Philipp loves thisLoveUnlove

Nothing wrong with posting an idea again! And next month is even a better month to spread seeds then this month, so it's perfect! For those interested in the discussion from last month about this idea, check:

March 7 2012  | Philipp loves thisLoveUnlove

Very happy that you posted it again :)! I almost considered doing it for you, but felt a bit strange to do that with someone else's idea ;) Anyway, I'm all for it, so let's see!

March 18 2012  | Philipp and 2 others love thisLoveUnlove

Start guerilla gardening, you don`t have to buy seeds. Gardeners will give you seedlings for free and they have to split some of their plants to reduce growth. Just ask family and friends, or put an advertisement at the volkstuintjes, Spring is in the air and gardening is in your genes!!!!!.

March 30 2012  | LoveUnlove

Philipp, I agree, and what is more important, if you do it well, you start a movement, which is going on and on. That is the secret of seed and sowing

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