Why? What? How?
I always had the feeling i'm not doing enough with my life. Eventhough i'm an idealist, I never know where to start in making the world a better place because it seems there is so much to do. So if you have an idea, tell me about it. I will execute the most popular idea of each month for one year! I'm a puppet to your ideals!
Credits Thanks to all the members! and Bart, Thierry, Davide, Ingetje, Paul, Philipp, Yichun, Rick, Mark, my family and everybody else for helping out.
You can make the world a better place by not encoding your videos in H264 and use WebM instead
Hehe, well, without a fallback method not many people would be watching the videos then! :-) Actually the most practical thing to do would be to change to Youtube instead of Vimeo. But in my experience the browsers and the web aren't yet fully ready for HTML5 video. There is still some work to be done in that field before we can easily adopt WebM as our standard codec. But it's going in the right direction! Hopefully Safari will at some point climb over it's pride and support it.